Cory DoctorowSaving the news from Big Tech with end-to-end social mediaThe final installment in my EFF series on saving the news.Jun 13, 2023Jun 13, 2023
InPredictbyWill LockettThe Eco-Friendly, Immortal Battery That Could Change The WorldOxygen-ion batteries might be a game-changer.Mar 31, 202310Mar 31, 202310
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InPredictbyJimmy Ng, Ph. DThe Coming Resurgence in US Semiconductor ManufacturingThe US is investing hundreds of billions of dollars to build new chip manufacturing facilities. Here’s what we know about them so far.Feb 17, 202313Feb 17, 202313
Clive ThompsonAI-Generated Bullshit Is A Challenge To Our “Vigilance”What ChatGPT has in common with magazine copy-editingFeb 13, 202341Feb 13, 202341
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InPredictbyWill LockettTesla’s “Revolutionary” 4680 Has A Massive ProblemAs it turns out, the 4680 is worse than Tesla’s old battery.Nov 22, 202218Nov 22, 202218
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InThe Knowledge of FreedombyElicia JaneI Asked ChatGPT Questions about the Patriarchy — It Makes For Troubling ReadingI check for bias and get the opposite kind to which I expectedDec 26, 20226Dec 26, 20226
Blake LemoineIs LaMDA Sentient? — an InterviewWhat follows is the “interview” I and a collaborator at Google conducted with LaMDA. It is incomplete as the GMail word limit cut off the…Jun 11, 2022821Jun 11, 2022821
InILLUMINATIONbyTree LangdonTrump Was Right. TikTok Contains Dangerous Tracking SoftwareYour passwords and credit card information are being trackedSep 1, 20224Sep 1, 20224
InZORAbyDr. Allison WiltzBlack Twitter is Irreplaceable. Did We Wait Too Late to Say That?If this is the final stand, you should know about Black TwitterNov 19, 202256Nov 19, 202256
Will LockettThis Molten Salt Battery Will Change The WorldAt four times the energy density and only a fraction of the cost of lithium-ionDec 13, 202231Dec 13, 202231
Kirill BobrovDelete sensitive data from gitCaution: please use the below knowledge with caution — all the tools described below cannot be used with blind copy-pasting. Be aware of…Jul 31, 2022Jul 31, 2022